Thursday, January 14, 2010

Symbols Used in CLASS Inc. Corporate Seal Interpreted

A committee has been created to interpret the symbols used in the Cavite Librarians Association, Inc. corporate seal led by Mr. Marcial R. Batiancila (Ex-officio Officer). The Committee has come up with the following interpretations:

· The Torch with a Flame in the form of Hands releasing a Dove – Signifies freedom of expression and equal access to information among Cavitenos.
· Open Book – Symbolizes libraries and information professionals in the Province of Cavite.
· Philippine Flag – Symbolizes the historic province of Cavite that plays an important role in Philippine political history.
· Rays of the Sun – Symbolizes the transforming nature of knowledge and the open horizon for discoveries and learning.
· Ropes (Encircling) – Symbolizes strength in unity.
· 1981 - The year that the Association was founded.


Tax Print said...
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Tax Print said...

What a thoughtful and detailed interpretation of the Cavite Librarians Association, Inc. corporate seal! The symbolism is both meaningful and inspiring.

Solution Planets said...

The interpretations of the Cavite Librarians Association, Inc. corporate seal/ company seal beautifully reflect the values of freedom, unity, and knowledge. The symbolism is both meaningful and inspiring. Great work!